22.836 trees in the ANCO forest by now – Approx. 25% offsetting of your transports upfront
Dear customers and partners,
We are doing our best to transform our business in a greener direction. Until we have non fossil fuels and green technologies that are suitable for the heavy transport segment we have decided to offset a big part of our carbon footprint.
The climate compensation in the ANCO forest corresponds to 0,22 kg/km bringing down the total CO2 emission to 0,57 kg/km (2020 figures). This equals approx. 25% of our transports and in addition we have numerous customers that have decided to pay a green surcharge to offset their transports. The ANCO forest is growing and we would also like tothank our partner Trofaco for a great collaboration and the efforts made in Uganda, now having planted 22.836 trees in total for us and our customers. You can read much more about Trofaco here: https://trofaco.org/en/ and about the method used for offsetting verified by COWI (Click here).
But the trees are not enough… We also have a strong focus on the environment and climate in our daily operations by minimizing empty trucking and reloading containers, as it makes great sense both environmentally and economically. We have decided that all new company cars will be either hybrid or electric and we are the first company in Europe to have invested in an electric sideloader. In 2021 we introduced LNG-trucks (gas driven trucks) in the German market, to explore the feasibility of this technology, and there are much more LNG trucks coming in 2022. In the coming year we will be investigating battery driven truck(s) and we are always open for innovative ideas on how to become greener.
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